Prices, infos & Examples

Base color

Headshot - 18 €
half body- 25 €

Lineart is sketched and everything is filled with base color.Detailed eyes NOT included.No Background.

Simple shading

Headshot - 30 €
half body- 45 €

Lineart is sketched and painting has sketched details and colorful effects.Detailed eyes included.No background.

detailed shading

Headshot - 50 €
half body- 80 €

Lineart is clean and painting\effects are as detailed as possible.No background.

Momentarily the "Full body" choice is closed for every type of commission.A second character will cost -25%.For more examples take a look to my IG profile~


pricesx1 emote - 25 €
x3 emotes - 65 €
x5 emotes - 100 €

Each emote will include:
x1 png 112px,
x1 png 56px,
x1 png 28px
If you need different size, please let me know before I start your commission.

important infos

extra fee

Male character: +10 € [each]
Chibi character: +5 € [each]
Pet: +8 € [each]
Flowers: +10 € [+]

[+] Price could be change, depending how many flowers there are.If the character will have a complicated design, extra fee will be added.No more than 2 characters per commission.I prefer draw girls in general.
I can draw boys too and chibi, but I will go out of my comfort zone drawing both of them, so I decided to add a little fee cause it will take more time for drawing them.

What i can't draw

Old/young people

Refunds aren't allowed.
The total price will be said before I start the commission, so you can back off in case the price is too high or you want to revisit something to lower the price. I will refund you, only and if, for some reason I won't be able to finish your commission.
Payment first of all.
I have had some unfortunate experiences that led me to adopt this choice.
Please, prepare these infos:
- References pics
- Desired pose
- Paypal email
You are allowed to post the commission in your profile, but only if you add appropriate credits and tag.
I am allowed to post your commission in every social of mine.